All about the Benjamins

This evening was all about the benjamins — or, rather, the bling that benjamins can bring you. “Bling,” when you have a baby, is expressed in motorized swing units, meaning that we now have one unit of Bling, and a few Blings worth of cloth diapers. My mom was rather insistent that we purchase an automatic (rather than hand-turned) swing for Sophie, as she recalled that it was just about the only thing that would calm me when I was a baby. We’d put it off for a while, since she seemed perfectly happy in the car seat and the bouncer, but the arrival of a check from a friend of hers pushed us into action.

It’s worth noting that swing shopping is surprisingly complicated — even if, unlike my wife, you don’t start out trying to find a manual, hand-crank swing in Toys ‘R’ Us. As we were browsing the swings, Christy exclaimed, sounding very dissatisfied, “They all run on batteries!” I turned to her, confused, and asked her if she’d really rather have one that plugged into the wall — not having seen a manual swing in over twenty years, mind you. They don’t appear to be sold anymore. Anyway, in the modern era, there are three basic models: you have your basic small, single-axis swing, your light, folding travel swing, and the elaborate “I can swing in two different directions!” jobbies, most of which also play tinny arrangements of Mozart’s greatest hits. In the end, we narrowed it down to either a non-musical dual-axis swing or a cheaper travel swing, and rationalized the purchase of the former by pointing out that we will never, ever, have room in our car for a swing and a stroller, so the “travel” feature would be completely moot. (We also figured that, since Sophie vastly prefers being swung side-to-side over back-to-front, buying one that only did the latter probably wouldn’t make any sense.)

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Our cloth diaper order finally arrived from backorder, running just over $250 for thirty-six diapers and four liners; we got the kind with latches and snaps, so we don’t need to mess with diaper pins. (Plastic liner technology’s come pretty far, too, and now includes velcro fasteners and elastic cinches.) Sophie’s pretty large, so I’m not sure how long she’ll fit into the dozen small-sized wraps; she’s already wearing the Size 2 disposables without any problem. Luckily, we wound up ordering two dozen of the “medium” size almost by accident, since the supplier had a shortage of “smalls” and we didn’t want to have to wait much longer for them to arrive. (In case you’re curious about how I feel about cloth, in general: I’m skeptical, but feel idle and sheepish about being skeptical. They’re cheaper and don’t appear to be much less convenient, and they’re much better for the planet. Christy’s doing the right thing, even if she’s got to drag me along for the ride on this one. I admit, though, to being somewhat less convinced by the self-made “wipes,” which consist of water and baby oil squirted onto a soft cloth; I think, in this regard, a little laziness goes a long way.) We ordered our batch of diapers from Nicki’s Diapers, which is actually a side venture started by this absolutely darling (and, I must admit, strikingly beautiful) new mother named (appropriately enough) Nicki, who’s staying at home while her husband works and consequently trying to find other sources of income; we chatted for a bit about business models and webpage design when she dropped off the diapers, and I may have acquired a client. When I was laid off two years ago, I made a sign that said “will design your website for food;” it would never have occurred to me that, two years later, I might actually be exchanging design work for diapers and diaper accessories.

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