On the importance of names…

So Christy had her Mirena implant removed in December over some hormonal concerns related to low libido; we are expecting a baby boy in September. These two events may be related to some degree.

I’m excited, but equally full of weariness and trepidation; it’s a complicated emotion that I find surprisingly difficult to discuss, since it dances along the edge of what I suspect is an enormous reservoir of personal selfishness that I find unbecoming in myself. And on an even more petty level, I don’t think it’s really possible to convey in a family-friendly message just how much I want to punch the Universe in its smug, hipster-bearded face thanks to the irony of this particular situation: an attempt to improve our sex life resulting in an immediate pregnancy that almost overnight leads to mood-killing nausea and exhaustion, followed by what will no doubt be several months of mood-killing midnight feedings. It’s like rain on your wedding day, really.

That said, I’ve been thinking about names.
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The obvious option — Thomas Edward Davidson IV — is interesting because a) my grandfather is alive but ailing, and I think it would mean something to him if I kept the name going; b) there aren’t a whole lot of Fourths out there; and c) I actually kind of like my name. On the other hand, this is a prime opportunity to change it up a little: Maximum Danger Davidson, perhaps, or Reasonable Adventure Davidson. Maybe even Sensible Precaution Davidson or Moderate Excitement Davidson. You get the idea.

But that made me ponder for a moment why, with Sophie, I never seriously considered making her middle name “Danger” or “Destruction” or something like that. I mean, “Sophia Danger Davidson” is perfectly viable — but instead we named her after my grandmother. I don’t regret that for a moment, but I wonder whether the considerably more powerful temptation to do something ridiculous and showy this time out is due to the fact that I’m more of a latent sexist than I’d like, or just that the pending kid’s our third and thus I’m not taking the whole process as seriously. It’s a bit worrisome that I don’t know.

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