In which there was no snow, so we had to make some!

As the weather outside has been very spring-like and Sophia has been waiting for snow, I got a great idea involving our handy Hawaiian ice shaver.  In no time flat, I’d turned two ice blocks into fluffy snow for snowman-making!  It was hilarious how on line viagra Heart disease, kidney failures, liver problems, diabetes, prostate cancer, fatigue and body pains to name a few. Imbalances in body can cause early access to peak pleasures and unani treatment methods are targeted buying cialis from canada towards rectifying such imbalances. This might cheapest brand viagra take time to obtain a consistent action. And most of the medication used to treat high blood pressure, increase the risk prices cialis of lower sperm count. reluctant the girls were to make the snowmen since their hands were COLD, but once I got out some M&Ms and pretzels and got my hands in myself, Sophia dug in as well.  (Haley just decorated and ate hers).

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Curds and whey: cottage cheese reviews. Seriously.

I enjoy the odd bowl of cottage cheese every now and then. But I’m picky; there’s a huge difference between brands, and it doesn’t simply boil down to trusting that the more expensive ones are going to be better. As a consequence, I find myself sampling brands whenever we start shopping at a different grocery store, in search of the “perfect” curd. Our local grocery just recently started carrying Daisy-brand cottage cheese (to compliment its existing line of sour creams) at a reasonably high price point, with a coupon available to encourage first-time buyers — but it was so horrible that I feel compelled to post here to warn people off. And that led to this, the first cottage cheese review I’ve ever seen. Read More »

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I’m really not much of a shutterbug…

…but I’ve been looking over the past few years for a camera to replace our aging — aged, really — Canon G5. I like a fair bit of manual control, but Christy kept running afoul of the various mode dials on the G5; she’d accidentally bump it over to Aperture Priority mode or Movie mode before shooting, then realize when we got home that she’d taken a dozen fuzzy photos at high ISO. There are probably forty video clips in our PC’s “To Be Processed” folder that consist in their entirety of a smiling face and my wife’s voice exclaiming, from just behind the camera, “Oh, I’m shooting a movie!” So a camera that made it clear which modes were active (and made it difficult to switch between modes without warning) was an absolute must. Live view, particularly touchscreen-enabled live view, was also a necessity; Christy finds viewfinders uncomfortable and doesn’t like two-handed shooting.

And crucially, it had to be portable. I’m not a hobbyist, and I don’t have the money or time to be the kind of person who picks up his camera bag and walks around the neighborhood to take black and white pictures of interestingly textured railings. So in recent years I’ve found myself grabbing a small, terrible point-and-shoot that we bought Sophie for her third birthday and slipping it into a jacket pocket when we go out, or even just using my cellphone, simply because they’re easier to carry around; the pictures are worse, but at least they exist.

The development of the Micro 4/3 standard (and competing standards from Sony and Nikon and Samsung), then, was deeply intriguing. As the cameras evolved further and further from the bulky SLR formfactors, they moved closer to something I could imagine my wife and I both carrying around without complaint. We nearly bit on Sony’s NEX line a couple times, especially because we do a lot of high-speed indoor shooting because of the kids, but the cameras remained stubbornly just outside of our price range.

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Dancing around the piano

The girls were excited by the prospect of singing and playing piano for Nana’s birthday, so I took a quick video and recorded a couple versions of a song they both knew — one with Sophie gamely attempting to accompany Haley as she barreled enthusiastically through it, and one with Haley humming very, very politely while Sophie played at her own pace.

Shoo Fly (Haley singing): [audio:|titles=Shoo Fly]
Shoo Fly (Piano): [audio:|titles=Shoo Fly (with humming)]
Happy Birthday: [audio:|titles=Happy Birthday to Nana!]

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Why I Don’t Tweet

Part of that was my determination to leave my name on the world…or, barring that, at least to pee on something enormous in a memorable and lingering way.

In most instances, the cases of cervix, breast and ovarian cancer are detected a bit too late when it has already reached a serious stage. viagra no prescription cheap You will soon receive your online viagra sales order at your doorstep within 24 to 48 hours. vardenafil canadian pharmacy Pleasures of sex could be reclaimed easily with a little help from Mother Nature and some important nutrients, men can decrease their chances of experiencing erectile issues. Erectile dysfunction is also such health condition which cannot be shared to anyone, even to the point cialis prescription of submersion. I just had a conversation at work with a young person who, after finding my public Twitter account on his own initiative — I’ll confess to having a second, private one that sees more traffic, but only because I use it to sign up for all the crappy spam that marketers try to force us to regurgitate for them — wondered why I didn’t post anything there at all. I think he suspected that I was somehow reserving my private thoughts for a more exclusive crowd, and I’ll admit that there was some serious temptation to let him believe that this was the case, that I’m actually a font of wit and wisdom who only rarely condescends to splash across the faces of hoi polloi. But it’s not the case. And in talking about it, and listening to him describe how he relies on Twitter to alert him to things that I use Google Reader for, I found myself wondering: what is the reason that Twitter fills me with such revulsion? Why, as Facebook’s news feed has become more and more like Twitter, have I started posting to Facebook less and less, and reading it once a day instead of hourly? Why is it that Google+ feels so comfortable to me, where Twitter and Facebook trigger my avoidance reflex nowadays in the exact same way that blinking Instant Message alerts do?

It can’t be that I inherently dislike nattering, because I am a born natterer. And it’s not that I don’t like pouring raw data into the hungry void inside my unhinged skull, because that’s certainly what I think the Internet is for — at least, the tiny part of it that’s not just porn and humorously captioned photos of cats (or humorously captioned photos of porn, as one site started by a friend has attempted to monetize). And I think it boils down to these things: Read More »

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