Cute, Sappy and MoreIf you haven't gotten the clue by now, I'm a child at
heart. You shouldn't be surprised, and I hope that
you're wonderfully shocked and pleased. Heck, maybe
if I'm lucky, a little bit of this will rub off on you
and inspire you to be cuter yourself :) Anyway, my
attempt at a lead in has gone awry. Back to the
point, the things that I love that make me cute. My college dorm room was covered head to toe on my end with Winnie the Pooh. My husband, the sweetie that he is, gave me a huge eeyore as well, which holds a special place in my heart. We even have a Winnie the Pooh bathroom now because I just had to devote one room! What can I say? I'm a sap and a girl, and we all know how much girls like flowers, so what are you waiting for? Send a virtual bouquet of roses because everyone knows someone who could use a friendly hello. If you're even more adventurous, I'd suggest including a poem. Now isn't that just the cutest thing you've ever heard?! Thanks for reading! |